Carta de presentación para profesionales sanitarios en inglés

carta de presentacion para profesionales sanitarios

Carta de presentación para profesionales sanitarios en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for one of the positions working with elderly English people you advertised in last Tuesday’s Daily News.

My name is Natalia Perez. I am 17 years old, and I come from Croatia. I have been learning English five years and can speak quite well, though I would definitely improve if I had a chance to practise. I hope to pass the Cambridge First Certificate in English this June.

I also have some experience working with elderly people. My grandfather, who is 87, has lived with us since 1994. I help my parents take care of him and this has taught me a lot about old people.

I am in my last year of secondary school and I attend English classes three afternoons a week. This means that I am not available before 3 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and not at all on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It would be possible for me to work on Saturday mornings, though I would prefer not to. I can be contacted in the evenings. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Carta de presentación para profesionales sanitarios en inglés.