Carta de presentación para hospitales y clínicas en inglés

Human Resources Department.

I am a gerontologist currently finalizing an employment contract to a private health company dedicated to intensive care for the elderly, in Alicante. For more than 10 years I have had the opportunity to work in different cities and companies in Spain, but at this time.

I am looking to expand my horizons in a foreign land and your company appears to be an interesting place. I have great dedication and the appropriate patience that the elderly deserves, both necessary to improve their quality of life and to contain the family in the most complex situations of this stage of life. I would like to arrange an interview in which.

I can provide more details of my proposal and clarify any questions or doubts. I shall be looking forward for your reply.

Very best regards,

Carta de presentación para hospitales y clínicas en inglés.


Carta de presentación para centros sanitarios en inglés

Mr. / Mrs.

I had the opportunity to inquire about your company, the working conditions and basically its career path. To my surprise, I found excellent references about the company that you manage and also found that its growth has been steady. For this reason I have a strong interest to be part of its workforce within the nursing field.

I recently graduated as a surgical nurse at the University of Barcelona and I have done my professional practice at the city Clinical Hospital. I have advanced skills in French and English languages and also have the ability to easily adapt to changes and new working environments. I am interested in working abroad, since here in Spain the opportunities are limited, especially for recent graduates. If my profile is of your interest, I invite you to review my attached resume and contact me to arrange a meeting at your convenience.


Carta de presentación para centros sanitarios en inglés.


Carta de presentación para médicos y enfermeros en inglés

To whom it may concern,

In May of this year I got my degree in nursing at the University of Madrid. For this reason, I am seeking my first employment where I can extend and apply in a practical way the knowledge I have acquired.

I am interested in working in your medical center because it is a recognized institution in coronary medicine. On the other hand, I also have interest in living in another country, not only because of the currently crisis situation in Spain, but also because this experience is a good opportunity for growth and personal development.

I look forward to hearing a favourable reply shortly.

Yours sincerely,

Carta de presentación para médicos y enfermeros en inglés.


Carta de presentación para profesionales sanitarios en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for one of the positions working with elderly English people you advertised in last Tuesday’s Daily News.

My name is Natalia Perez. I am 17 years old, and I come from Croatia. I have been learning English five years and can speak quite well, though I would definitely improve if I had a chance to practise. I hope to pass the Cambridge First Certificate in English this June.

I also have some experience working with elderly people. My grandfather, who is 87, has lived with us since 1994. I help my parents take care of him and this has taught me a lot about old people.

I am in my last year of secondary school and I attend English classes three afternoons a week. This means that I am not available before 3 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and not at all on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It would be possible for me to work on Saturday mornings, though I would prefer not to. I can be contacted in the evenings. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Carta de presentación para profesionales sanitarios en inglés.


Cartas de presentación de médicos, enfermeros y auxiliares en inglés

I have recently completed my PhD at National Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology (INIA) in Madrid, Spain.

I am currently working in the laboratory at INIA developing my PhD as a post doc. During my PhD I gained international training and working experience in The Netherlands Cancer Institute, in Amsterdam. I have developed my scientific career in the involvement of endocytic pathway in African Swine Fever Virus infection and its impact in the host cell, specifically in the first steps of the infection.

In both my current position and my PhD research, I have utilized multiple cell biology and molecular techniques including confocal microscope and imaging analysis. I am competent in design of experiment, and have had five papers published during my PhD in different scientific journals (please refer to my CV for details).

I have an excellent track record as a hard-working member of the laboratory team and I am always ready to lend a hand and offer suggestions when invited. I enjoy a close team dynamic and being able to confer with my colleagues about current projects. I gained experience working in an international laboratory while at the INIA was successful. I also presented different posters and contributions during my PhD in conferences (again, please refer to my CV for details). My research and writing skills have been well developed over the past five years of researching and my communication skills were further enhanced by the experiences I had during the year I worked as a leisure time instructor and, of course, in lab seminars and congress. Finally, I enjoy problem-solving, and I am keen to collaborate with your team. .

Thank you for your consideration of my credentials.

Yours sincerely,

Cartas de presentación de médicos, enfermeros y auxiliares en inglés.


Carta de presentación de Profesor de Inglés

Estimados Señores/as,

Me dirijo a ustedes con el propósito de enviarles mi Curriculum Vitae, confiando en que lo consideren en caso de que surjan vacantes para profesionales de mi perfil en su centro educativo durante el próximo curso escolar.

Soy hablante nativo del idioma inglés y he estudiado en los Estados Unidos. Cuento con el Máster en Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato, FP y Enseñanza de Idiomas, con especialidad en Lengua Extranjera Inglés, así como el Máster en Dirección de Publicidad Integrada. Además, poseo la Licenciatura en Artes con especialización en Producción de Televisión y Cine.

Me defino como una persona creativa, responsable, con habilidades de comunicación, trabajo en equipo y capacidad de adaptación a los cambios. Destaco mi pasión por la docencia, así como mi habilidad para gestionar el aula y motivar e involucrar a los estudiantes.

Les agradezco de antemano su atención y quedo a su disposición para mantener una entrevista. Quedo a la espera de su respuesta.


Fernando Gómez

Carta de presentación de profesor de inglés

Sr./Sra. Director/a:

Me dirijo a usted adjuntando mi currículum con el objetivo de que lo tenga en cuenta para futuras vacantes laborales en su centro educativo.

En primer lugar, quisiera destacar que cuento con un BA en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa y un Máster en Formación del Profesorado. Además, he acumulado experiencia como profesor de inglés en diversas academias y escuelas, enseñando a alumnos de todos los niveles, desde primaria hasta bachillerato.

Mi trabajo se ha desarrollado en entornos donde la comunicación es crucial y el trabajo en equipo es esencial, abarcando una amplia gama de estudiantes.

Asimismo, poseo una gran vocación por la enseñanza y habilidades de gestión en el aula que me permiten motivar e involucrar a los alumnos.

Espero que mi perfil resulte adecuado para sus necesidades y quedo a disposición para ampliar la información en una posible entrevista.

Quedo a su disposición y le saludo cordialmente.


Fernando Gómez


Cover Letter for a language teacher


I am María Pérez, a language teacher and master’s student in Teacher Training, with a degree in Translation and Interpreting. I have been a resident in France for over 5 years and have been teaching French and Basque in schools and academies for more than 3 years. I am pleasant and organized, with extensive teaching experience and university studies in Primary Education and Special Education.

I hold a C1 level in Basque (HABE), a level B2+ in English, and a C1 level in French, accredited after obtaining a degree in LEA – Translation and Interpreting. Additionally, I hold a B1 level in German.

If your company is seeking a young professional with experience as a language teacher and a high level of motivation, my candidacy might be of interest to you.

I consider myself a responsible, hard-working person with a strong desire to improve. I am available immediately and eager to work.

If deemed appropriate, I would be pleased to provide you with more details about my curriculum vitae in an interview.


María Pérez



cover letter to Teach Geography and History

Dear Principal,

My name is María Pérez, and I am certified to Teach Geography and History in Compulsory Secondary Education, History in High School, and Processes and Media. I am writing this cover letter, attaching my resume, with the hope of being considered for your school’s next selection process.

With seven years of teaching experience in the UK as a Social Studies and Spanish Teacher, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Additionally, I have served as a Geography and History Bilingual teacher and an English language assistant in Spain.

I pride myself on possessing strong organizational skills and exceptional interpersonal abilities. A key aspect of my teaching philosophy is instilling values in my students. Fluent in English and well-versed in various educational techniques and tools, I am committed to providing a high-quality learning experience.

I trust that my qualifications align well with your school’s needs and culture. I am eager for the opportunity to contribute to your teaching staff.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available at your earliest convenience for further discussion.


María Pérez